Tuesday, May 19, 2009


hmm... did anything interesting happen today?

I ate a "la ventanita de Belgrano", a homely neighborhood parilla. Their main ingredient is meat but I like their salad too. I had an 'ensalada completa' with a choripan sandwich.

Next time I go back, perhaps next week, I'm getting a steak. I feel like feeling for a steak, next week.
But yes, la ventanita is very desirable. The only waiter there usually takes 10 minutes to get to you after hailing him, but it's just really good, simple, cheap. I'd say, as was once so well put, it's the place to go to hang out with the workfolk, (along with business men and snobby Di Tella kids)
read some borges, had desarrollo economico. Emilio, our professor looked extra pissed and a tad bit depressed today, enough for G to notice it and for him to let us out 15 mintutes early (he once stopped class for 15 minutes and yelled at kids for being late (the first and only time they were ever late)).
hmm... G and I have a favorite pass time in class which is commenting on Emilio. He has a HUGEly muscular build for his size, so that he bulks around when hulking around in front of the board. His moments are deliberately slow, and clearly he works out too much. Once he scratched his leg and G and I were in awe at the size of his calf muscle.
I think Argentine Economists have their version of Chuck Norris jokes using Emilio.
actually, now i realize, another reason G and I need to stop THINKING about being friends with Flor (one of the cute, smart girls in this class) is that we can gossip with her about Emilio and get her female point of view. I'll run this past G and maybe we'll grow some hair on our chests by Wednesday.

After that we hung out in the library for a bit where I read some more Borges and a book by Barro, and took out an awesome book by Oz Shy called Industrial Organization. It is very nicely explained and the material is super interesting.
We're making copies of it at the copy center in the basement of Di Tella.

By the way, this is internationally illegal, but if anyone from back up north would like a book copied for class, let me know and I'll def do it for you. It just costs the price of the paper, as the university subsidizes the fotocopy room workers. Here all the books people use for class are copied. Rarely do people buy the real book. Especially not in UBA. Go copyright protection laws! Wehew!

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