I'm just going to post the email I wrote to a friend today:
She asked me this:
So I'm trying to understand the results of the Egyptian elections...
is the election of the Muslim Brotherhood leader really a reason for
celebration, in your mind, and a positive step for Egypt? I understand
there's a massive base for him and the Brotherhood but in terms of
progressing toward a more stable society, moving forward the slow
democratization process, and the protection/representation of all
types of (including non-Muslim) communities in Egypt?
Anyways, very curious about all this and very interested in your views
I answered this:
She asked me this:
So I'm trying to understand the results of the Egyptian elections...
is the election of the Muslim Brotherhood leader really a reason for
celebration, in your mind, and a positive step for Egypt? I understand
there's a massive base for him and the Brotherhood but in terms of
progressing toward a more stable society, moving forward the slow
democratization process, and the protection/representation of all
types of (including non-Muslim) communities in Egypt?
I answered this:
Personally, yes, I feel like it's a reason for celebration, not because Morsi was elected, but because Shafiq was NOT elected. I feel that if Shafiq had been elected, it would have been a blow to the revolution, much much more so than with Morsy.
Most importantly, I feel the elections as a whole are cause for celebration (sober ones... haha) because –assuming that the elections were free and fair– the will of the people was heard. Shafiq's win would also been cause for celebration assuming he won under free and fair elections (less believable though, since he's SCAF's guy and they wield so much power).
So in terms of moving towards a more stable (see NPR link below for more insight) and free society, neither candidate would have been much different from a civilian point of view (maybe not economic, you'll understand more from the NPR link). Sure, under Mosri, there could be less freedom of religion, tolerance, etc... but under Shafiq it would have re-opened the door for the return of political repression from the secret police (I had a not so pleasant encounter with them back last February... as have countless Egyptians throughout recent history) and other old regime tactics.
I'm not saying that Morsy is going to be any good, but neither would Shafiq (have been? grammar?). The important part, is that by electing somebody new, Egypt makes a break from it's past. What I'm saying is, Change is good. Hopefully too, it will be be good and [inch'allah] provide a challenge to the Military's past (and still present, but slightly less) domination of Egyptian politics and economics. But the economics side to this is another story (which I intend to post soon on my blog).
Also, I hope, that given four more years, the revolutionary, liberal and center parties will have a chance to build up their platform and election base. Hopefully when the next election comes around they will win.
Another point related to this: I feel, and other Egyptians I've talked with agree, that the Egyptian people really appreciate their 'culural' freedom. This freedom has been past one down the ages all the way back from the Pharaonic times, and isn't something that could easily be reversed by Islamists. (i'm referring to the innumerable bars (slightly hidden, but there) and how so many people smoke hash, etc, etc... enjoy the "good" things in life, even if they do it off to the side.
In the end, SCAF is in almost total power of what's going on. The only thing they fear is mass anger of the people... (if the country plunged into chaos and crisis, Egyptians would unknowingly stop buying military produced goods and thus hurt the military) See:
Estimates vary as to the size of [the military's] industries - they account for around 8%-40% of Egypt's gross national product. @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
Also, must see/hear: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2011/02/07/133503696/the-friday-podcast-egypts-military-inc
I hope that helped. I also hope you read through this without falling asleep.
For a link to my photos from today: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1826661103161.2041310.1139280225&type=3&l=34b417f760